There are many assessments and tests that can be used during an application procedure. ErasmusTalent would like to share some of them with you.
For typing Personality is widely used:
o BigFive
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
Personal Values Orientation
What are your core values?
Tip 1
Competences – knowledge and skills
General intelligence tests are widely used to assess competences, but wider tests are also used, see e.g.
Talent Analysis®, TMA
o Competence testing
Emotional Intelligence Tests
What about your intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
o Career anchors
Think about your body language here
Tip 2
Behaviour and functioning
The Leary Rose is popular for assessing this.
Leary’s box
Collaboration style and team roles
In which role do you feel most at home?
o A well-known collaborative style assessment tool is Belbin
Leadership style
How do you prefer to lead?
Tip 2
Energy and Vitality
What is your energy level and how do you feel?
And of course your network, references; assess the size of your network, also on social media.